Residents outraged after cars are ‘keyed’ by vandals

AN angry resident has hit out at “mindless vandals” after hundreds of pounds worth of damage was caused to a number of cars last weekend.

Five vehicles parked on the Glebe Road in Carnmoney were ‘keyed’ and street signs were also damaged in the wrecking spree on Saturday night (September 15).

Keying is when a key or sharp object is scraped along the paintwork of a vehicle.

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The resident, who did not want to be named, was sickened by the attack on people’s property.

He said the car owners would now have to fork out large sums of money to get their motors repaired.

The man said: “Why should innocent people have to pay for these mindless destructive acts?”

He has appealed for the public’s help in assisting police to catch the culprits.

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