Ballymena bus is ‘capital’ says Boris

BORIS Johnson pledged in 2008 to introduce new London buses to replace the city’s fleet of articulated vehicles if elected Mayor and on Friday, in Ballymena, he took a major step towards that commitment - with the help of Wrightbus.

The ‘New Bus for London’ is the first bus designed specifically for the streets of the Capital in more than 50 years and has been built by specialist engineers at the Wrightbus factory in Galgorm.

Eight of the new hop-on, hop-off vehicles will join the capital’s fleet next year and will run on ‘a busy central London route’.

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The new bus incorporates the most innovative and cutting edge hybrid technology and will be the most environmentally friendly bus of its kind when it enters passenger service.

Friday afternoon saw a fully functioning prototype being driven off the production line by Mayor Johnson and next month it will make its way across the Irish Sea to the capital where it will be put through its paces on the streets in preparation for entering passenger service in 2012.

During the first half of 2012 it will be joined by seven more prototypes to be tested in passenger service, which will lead to the establishment of a full production line.

A team of 25 engineers and a 40 strong production team at the Wrightbus factory in